Brandie June is the author of GOLD SPUN, a young adult fantasy that’s sure to be a hit! It’s a magical retelling of Rumpelstiltskin that gives the miller’s daughter of the original fairy tale a life, a purpose, and, most importantly, a name. Names, after all, are always powerful!
Can you pinpoint when in your life you decided to be a writer?
It was more of a slow progression, rather than one eureka moment. Though I have always been an avid reader, I grew wanting to be an actor. It wasn’t till I was older that I started dipping my toe in writing – first with short plays and stories, and eventually that morphed into full-length plays and novels. I think I finally admitted to wanting to be a writer was when I moved beyond writing a first draft and seriously started to edit one of my first manuscripts.
Who are your favorite authors?
Who are your favorite authors? So many! Leigh Bardugo, Marissa Meyer, Neil Gaiman, Naomi Novak, Terry Pratchett, Holly Black, V. E. Schwab, and Erin Morgenstern are a few that immediately come to mind, but I know this list could go on and on.
What was your path to publishing for this book?
A long and winding one! The first book I wrote eventually got me an agent, but was then rejected by publishers. While my agent was pitching it, I was writing and editing Gold Spun. After about a year, we shelved that first book and my agent began to pitch Gold Spun. Right as he started to pitch, the pandemic hit, which threw everything for a bit of a loop. But after about seven months, CamCat Books picked up Gold Spun. They bought the book in July 2020 and my release date is May 2021, so those ten months have been spent doing editing, production, and marketing with the CamCat team for Gold Spun.
What’s a piece of advice you’d give to aspiring authors?
Keep writing! And stay persistent. As I mentioned above, Gold Spun is not the first novel I wrote. I kept the mindset that if my first book didn’t sell, maybe my second or third book would. Basically, if this is your passion, don’t give up!
What inspired you to write this book?
I love original, dark fairytales, and am fascinated by the creative ways they can be retold. In Gold Spun, I really wanted to flesh out the characters, especially the miller’s daughter. In the original tale, she doesn’t even have a name, and I wanted to give her a lot more agency. In Gold Spun, she now drives the action as a con artist who is really responsible for people thinking she can spin gold.
What is your pitch for this book?
A retelling of the Rumpelstiltskin tale through the miller daughter’s POV. Except now the miller’s daughter is a con artist and Rumpelstiltskin is a mysterious faerie with a dark secret.
Describe your main character(s) in three words.
Devious. Loyal. Clever.
What’s your favorite scene in the book?
I love hearing people’s reaction to the ending. I won’t spoil anything, but with a retelling, it’s so important to give people a familiar sense of a classic tale while also surprising them. When some of my early readers told me how the ending surprised them, it was such a delight.
What are you working on now?
I’m prepping the launch of Gold Spun and working on writing the sequel.
What’s one thing readers would be surprised to learn about you?
I have my MBA from UCLA. I am a director of marketing for kids films/anime as well as an author.
What’s your favorite personal quote or motto?
“There is no expiration date on your talent.” -Leigh Bardugo (Fun fact: I love this so much I asked her to sign it on a copy of Writer’s Digest that featured her interview. I keep it framed above my desk.)
Where can our readers purchase your published work?
Readers can preorder at CamCat Books, Amazon, and just about anywhere else books are sold online. I also have a special preorder offer for some exclusive Gold Spun swag on my website at https://www.brandiejune.com/books

And finally, where can readers find you on social media?
My official site is www.brandiejune.com, and I can be found on these socials:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheOriginalBrandieJune/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brandiejune
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thebrandiejune/
Thank you for your time today, Brandie. I’m enjoying reading Gold Spun!
Synopsis of Gold Spun:
If Nor can’t spin gold, she can always spin lies. When seventeen-year-old Nor rescues a captured faerie in the woods, he gifts her with a magical golden thread she can use to summon him for a favor. Instead, Nor uses it for a con—to convince villagers to buy straw that can be transformed into gold. Her trick works a little too well, attracting the suspicion of Prince Casper, who hates nobody more than a liar. Intent on punishing Nor, he demands that she spin a room of straw into gold and as her reward, he will marry her. Should she refuse or fail, the consequences will be dire. Desperate for help, Nor summons the faerie’s aid, launching a complicated dance as she must navigate between her growing feelings for both the prince and faerie boy and who she herself wishes to become.
“A fresh and engaging take on the story of Rumpelstiltskin . . . You won’t be able to put this down!”
—Jenna Busch, contributing author to Star Wars Psychology and the PsychGeeks book series