September 17, 2021

Thank you to Maggie Smith and the Women Fiction Writers Association for inviting me onto their podcast, “Hear Us Roar.” Here is Maggie’s introduction to the podcast: “Elizabeth and I discuss her experience with PitchWars (thumbs up), losing her first agent (thumbs down) and how she had to segment her marketing approach to appeal to…

August 25, 2020

I’ve just found out that the cover reveal of my fantasy novel, THE BRASS QUEEN, will be on the front cover of Publishers Weekly on August 31st. A cover reveal on an actual cover – it’s all so meta! I’m thrilled to share that the preorder links should also be available the same day! Barnes…

November 12, 2019

I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that I HAVE A BOOK DEAL!!! It feels absolutely unreal to say it out loud, but my novel THE BRASS QUEEN will be published in June 2020! Here’s the official Publishers Marketplace announcement to prove it! To my delight, it appears you can already add THE BRASS QUEEN to your…

January 28, 2019

Pitch Wars is a wild, wonderful, rollercoaster of emotions from start to finish. First, the contest is a strong motivator to finish your manuscript in order to enter. If you’re lucky enough to win a spot in the contest, months of revising your manuscript with your mentor(s) await. As the days tick down to the…

December 28, 2018

2018 was a year of writing firsts for me. In January, I took the plunge and entered my sci-fi novel, THE BRASS QUEEN, into the RWA® 2018 Golden Heart® contest. In March, as I prepared for an impending snowstorm, I received a jaw-dropping phone call from the RWA board announcing my novel was a finalist…

October 2, 2018

We just made the Amazon bestseller list for Science Fiction Anthologies! My steampunk novelette “Ten Minutes Past Teatime” is included in WHEN TO NOW: A TIME TRAVEL ANTHOLOGY. Check it out here!

August 22, 2018

Hear my interview on the “How Authors Work” podcast! Find out how to use improv to write your novel, how to create a chapter in four layers, & the best software to help you write on the move. I also discuss the supportive community provided by Pitch Wars and my RWA® Golden Heart® Persister sisters….

August 21, 2018

Recently, THE BRASS QUEEN was chosen as a Mainstream Fiction finalist for the 2018 Golden Heart® (the RWA’s top honor for unpublished novels). I was invited to attend the RWA National Conference in Denver. Over two thousand writers gathered for five days to attend workshops, make new friends, and network with publishing professionals. Attending the…