I’m honored to announce that The Brass Queen won the Gold Benjamin Franklin Award for Science Fiction & Fantasy! My heartfelt thanks to the IBPA, CamCat Books, my wonderful editor, Cassandra Farrin, and all who joined me on this debut novel adventure!

In addition, The Brass Queen and my Writers Of the Future winner, The Widow’s Might, each won first place (for novel and short story) in the Connecticut Press Club Communications Contest 2022. Both works are now in consideration for the National Association of Press Women’s award. To my delight, both also won the 24th Annual Critters Readers Poll in the steampunk novel and short story categories!

And finally, The Brass Queen has been chosen as a finalist for the Foreword Reviews INDIES Award in the romance category! Without so much as a single kiss in the entire book – now that’s a lovely surprise! Read their review of the novel here:

I truly appreciate all who have helped me along this road to publication and beyond, including every reader who took the time to enter my steampunk world. Thank you all!
Gabi Coatsworth
April 30, 2022 - 7:06 pm ·That is a fabulous review – and entirely well-deserved!
April 30, 2022 - 7:30 pm ·Thank you so much, Gabi!
Gabi Coatsworth
May 2, 2022 - 6:35 pm ·Wonderful news all around!