January 5, 2021

Boo kindly helped me to unbox my debut novel, The Brass Queen, which will be published next week on Tuesday, January 12th, 2021. What’s the book all about? Adventure! Romance! Chainmail corsets! And a Yorkshire terrier who loves to destroy cowboy boots! Ah, so you need more information? Well then, here’s the synopsis! In a…

December 22, 2020

Professor Elemental, the British chap hop sensation, has written a song about my upcoming steampunk novel The Brass Queen, and we’re inviting YOU to take part in the music video! (A few examples of the Professor’s wonderful work are presented here for your viewing pleasure!) Don your finest steampunk/vintage gear, hoist your favorite blunderbuss, teacup,…

December 17, 2020

Hurray! The Brass Queen is #8 on Buzzfeed’s List of “19 New Historical Fiction Books We Think You’re Going To Love!” Check out the full list below, or view the original article at this link: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kirbybeaton/historical-fiction-most-anticipated-winter-2021 19 New Historical Fiction Books We Think You’re Going To Love Time to cozy up with a good book….

November 20, 2020

At 3.15 pm EST today, I’ll be presenting a 20-minute book reading of The Brass Queen! (And yes, that is a terrible paused shot of me!) 🤣 I’ll also chat about our fiery heroine, Miss Constance Haltwhistle, and how I decided to start writing fiction. This is part of the fabulous Jewelry City Steampunk Festival….

October 16, 2020

Want to know “How To Write Your First Steampunk Story?” Check out my extremely goofy how-to video today at 4.30 pm EST via the C.O.G.S. steampunk stream https://twitch.tv/cogs_streampunk This virtual event will be broadcast all weekend long! In total, I’m taking part in four segments: “How to Write Your First Steampunk Story” will be aired…

August 25, 2020

I’ve just found out that the cover reveal of my fantasy novel, THE BRASS QUEEN, will be on the front cover of Publishers Weekly on August 31st. A cover reveal on an actual cover – it’s all so meta! I’m thrilled to share that the preorder links should also be available the same day! Barnes…

June 23, 2020

I’m thrilled to announce THE BRASS QUEEN was picked for the Publishers Weekly Big Fall Preview! As a debut author, it’s an incredible honor for my genre-bending gaslamp fantasy to be chosen from all the thousands of books that are coming out at the end of the year. Thank you to CamCat Books who made…

December 5, 2019

The original article was included in the November 22nd, 2019 Update. The Steampunk Explorer is an online magazine and resource directory for steampunk enthusiasts and creators. You’ll find stories about people, places, and events in the steampunk world, as well as guides to retail outlets, museums, galleries, eateries, and other attractions in 36 North American…