December 9, 2021

I’m delighted to announce that the audiobook of The Brass Queen has been released, and it’s already an Audible bestseller! To celebrate, I’m giving away ten copies of the audiobook – five for the US, and five for the UK. Drop me a line through the contact form on my website at and I’ll…

September 17, 2021

Thank you to Maggie Smith and the Women Fiction Writers Association for inviting me onto their podcast, “Hear Us Roar.” Here is Maggie’s introduction to the podcast: “Elizabeth and I discuss her experience with PitchWars (thumbs up), losing her first agent (thumbs down) and how she had to segment her marketing approach to appeal to…

January 12, 2021

Thank you to all who attended my book launch party tonight! For your viewing pleasure, here is the song and video inspired by The Brass Queen that was shown for its world premiere during the event. Professor Elemental and Tom Caruana created this splendid chap hop rap song to celebrate The Brass Queen‘s fiery heroine, Miss Constance…

August 25, 2020

I’ve just found out that the cover reveal of my fantasy novel, THE BRASS QUEEN, will be on the front cover of Publishers Weekly on August 31st. A cover reveal on an actual cover – it’s all so meta! I’m thrilled to share that the preorder links should also be available the same day! Barnes…

June 23, 2020

I’m thrilled to announce THE BRASS QUEEN was picked for the Publishers Weekly Big Fall Preview! As a debut author, it’s an incredible honor for my genre-bending gaslamp fantasy to be chosen from all the thousands of books that are coming out at the end of the year. Thank you to CamCat Books who made…

August 22, 2018

Hear my interview on the “How Authors Work” podcast! Find out how to use improv to write your novel, how to create a chapter in four layers, & the best software to help you write on the move. I also discuss the supportive community provided by Pitch Wars and my RWA® Golden Heart® Persister sisters….

June 8, 2018

It was such fun to be interviewed by the Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood. The original interview by Elisa Beatty can be viewed here. Please find below a copy of the text. Today we’re welcoming Elizabeth Chatsworth, another of the amazing Persisters, the 2018 class of Golden Heart Finalists. Her manuscript THE BRASS QUEEN (fabulous title!!) is nominated…