A Puppy Swimming Lesson!

A Yorkshire Terrier's Swimming Lesson
Steve the swim instructor assures Boo that the water is warm enough for her royal Yorkiness.
A Yorkshire Terrier's Swimming Lesson
Boudicca’s first swim around the pool.

This week I took my four-month-old Yorkshire Terrier Boudicca (aka Boo) for her first puppy swimming lesson. It may surprise you to know that not all dogs swim the first time they encounter water. Even a Labrador puppy may panic the first time they fall into a pool or pond, with disastrous results. 

Therefore, I decided to take Boo for a canine swimming lesson at Dog Gone Smart. The first job was to fit her for a tiny life-preserver. My choice was the EzyDog Micro Doggy Flotation Device size xxx-small. This life-jacket is ideal for diminutive dogs as keeps their heads above water until thy build their confidence in the water. Boo tried out her jacket in the bathtub the night before her lesson, and it met with her approval. This could have been mostly due to the bold black and yellow design which she appeared to think complemented her black and tan coat to perfection.

The first task upon arrival at the pool was to acclimatize Boo to the space. We walked around the pool several times, allowing the puppy time to see the water from all sides. Steve the swimming instructor then gradually introduced Boo to the water. We encouraged her with lots of praise, and she was quite happy to float off Steve’s leg into the pool. She swam bravely around the pool for the next ten minutes or so, until the big moment when we took off her life-preserver. We held our breath to see if she could make the transition to swimming without the jacket. Fortunately, she shot around the pool like a little rocket, swimming like a pro.

Fifteen minutes of swimming is roughly equivalent to a two mile walk for a puppy, and we ended the lesson with praise, treats and a warm bubble bath for Boo.

It’s quite inspiring to see how this tiny puppy manages to take new experiences in her stride. May her bravery inspire you to try one new activity today!