Dragon Con 2015

Steampunk meets Torchwood!
John Barrowman & Elizabeth Chatsworth

I have attended numerous sci-fi and steampunk conventions over the years, but this was my first visit to the biggest of them all – Dragon Con.  Over 70,000 people attended the event, which is held throughout a collection of hotels in downtown Atlanta, GA. We had an absolute blast! If ever there was a place to people (or alien/cyborg/monster) watch, this is it! The costumes were amazing, the people friendly and the atmosphere felt euphoric. If you have ever wanted to attend a four-day fancy-dress party with the nicest people on the planet, this is the place to be!

Star Wars Cosplayers at Dragon Con 2015
Star Wars Cosplay at Dragon Con 2015
Star Wars Bounty Hunters Dragon Con 2015
No Bounty Here Sir – Honest!

My personal highlights included meeting actor John Barrowman, A.K.A Captain Jack Harkness of Doctor Who and Torchwood. John took one glance at my steampunk outfit, yelled “Full cuddle!” and pulled me close during our photo opp. I know what you’re asking – is he really that gorgeous in real life?  Yes he is, ladies and gents, yes he is!

I attended various events on the Alternate History fan track and met hundreds of fellow steampunkers (many bedecked in the most splendid attire, I must say!).

Dance Party at the Aquarium
Dance Party at the Georgia Aquarium

I enjoyed the discussions at various panels with guests including the fabulous artificer Brett King. I met Brett at the Steampunk World’s fair a few years ago, and his contributions to the world of retro-futuristic gadgetry are outstanding. We had a fabulous time kicking up our Victorian heels with friends and family at the Artifice Club’s Mechanical Masquerade Ball. This was the liveliest place to shake one’s bustle in Atlanta. Only the Dragon Con dance party and costume contest at the Georgia Aquarium rivaled the event for spectacle and fun!

Overall, the trip was exhilarating and the event is well worth a repeat visit. From the Mystery Science Theater 3000 panel to the art show, the music of Abney Park or the lure of the merchants at the bazaar, Dragon Con is an experience never to be forgotten.

Just like a cuddle from John Barrowman!