Today, my friend Gabi Coatsworth, a tireless supporter of writers across the globe, is asking for your help in reaching an author milestone. Her funny, poignant, and at times heartbreaking memoir, Love’s Journey Home, is on sale on Amazon today for 0.99c (a saving of $7.00). It’s a bargain at any price, and there’s a chance if we all purchase a copy (or two!) today, she’ll reach the coveted status of “bestseller”. If the algorithm gods agree, perhaps Amazon will even start to recommend the book to other readers, and bang! We have momentum! 🙂
If you’d like to know more about the book, here’s an interview I ran with Gabi a few weeks ago. Thank you for reading this blog post, and please help an author today. Plus, you’ll get the opportunity to read a wonderful book too!
The Interview:
I’m delighted to chat today with Gabi Coatsworth, British author of the compelling memoir, Love’s Journey Home.
Hello Gabi! Can you tell us a little about your backstory?
I was born on the south coast of England, and came to America to work in Chicago forty years ago. I was supposed to be here for six months, but when I fell in love with an American, I decided to stay.
Who are your favorite authors?
I read a lot of books, and I prefer fiction, though I read memoirs and some nonfiction too. My favorite fiction writers range from Charles Dickens (for his amazing characters) to David Sedaris (for his humor) via Christopher Fowler, for his Bryant and May series of detective novels, which combine a great premise with terrific characters and a little magic.
What was your path to publishing for this book?
I learned that writing a book is only a small piece of the puzzle. Once I had a first draft, I shared it with my critique group, then I had it professionally edited, then I revised it, gave it to beta readers, revised it again, and then left it in a drawer for a while and started a novel. Eventually, I got sick of people asking me when the book was coming out, and I knew a memoir wouldn’t be taken by a large traditional press, because they can’t make money on it. So, I submitted it to some small indie presses, one of whom offered me a hybrid contract. I got a second offer the same week, and decided to go that route to save time – their path to publishing was much quicker. They edited it again, and it’s coming out on May 7, 2022.
What’s a piece of advice you’d give to aspiring authors?
Write badly! You’ll be revising whatever you write, so take the NaNoWriMo approach and simply get the words down. You can fix everything later.
What inspired you to write this book?
This is a memoir, so life events made me write it, partly to try and figure out what had happened to me and why.
What is your pitch for this book?
Their relationship seemed destined for heartache. A terminal diagnosis would teach them the true meaning of love.
What is the central message you hope readers take away from the novel?
I think it has to be that love—and a sense of humor—can conquer anything, even death.
What is your writing process?
I write almost every day, and since the pandemic started, I’ve nailed that, by joining daily write-ins online. (Several writing organizations offer these.) Something about being with other writers (even virtually) means I get it done. By writing, I include doing anything that moves my project forward, including research, writing query letters, making lists of publishers, etc.
What are you working on now?
I’m working on my second novel in a series set in a small imaginary town in Connecticut. Although – my agent has asked me to write a cozy murder mystery, and I’m thinking about it!
What’s one thing readers would be surprised to learn about you?
I speak several languages: French, Polish, Spanish, and a little Russian and Italian. I love to connect with people!
Where can readers purchase your published work?
You can buy the paperback, ebook, and audiobook from all the usual online sources, and here are the links.
What is the bookstore blurb for your book?
Gabi Coatsworth never meant to fall for the handsome American. And after walking away because he was married, the British single mother thought she’d go forever without seeing him again. But her move to Chicago five years later for a career opportunity led to their reunion, a rekindled romance, and a wedding.
Forging a thirty-year life together through ups and downs, Gabi finally gave up when her husband’s alcoholism became more than she could bear. But not long after, he received a devastating medical diagnosis. Knowing she would regret it if she stayed away, she returned home to care for him.
And unexpectedly learned it’s never too late for a second chance…
What is your official author bio?
Gabi Coatsworth was born in Britain and work brought her to America. Love was why she stayed. She’s an award-winning writer and lives in Connecticut in a cottage that’s American on the outside, and English inside. If she’s not writing or traveling, she’ll be in her flower garden, wondering whether to weed, and holding a cup of her preferred beverage, strong English tea. Love’s Journey Home is her first book, and she’d love to connect with you through her website and her social media.
Thank you so much, Gabi, and congratulations on your upcoming book launch!