I’m absolutely thrilled to announce that I HAVE A BOOK DEAL!!!
It feels absolutely unreal to say it out loud, but my novel THE BRASS QUEEN will be published in June 2020!
Here’s the official Publishers Marketplace announcement to prove it!

To my delight, it appears you can already add THE BRASS QUEEN to your Goodreads to-be-read list https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/48759186-the-brass-queen. How amazing is that?
There are so many wonderful people who helped me along this five-year journey to publication . . .
First, thank you to Sue Arroyo and Dayna Anderson of Equinox Books for falling in love with THE BRASS QUEEN. I couldn’t have wished for a better home for this book of my heart!
I wouldn’t have started (or finished) THE BRASS QUEEN without David Farland‘s superb writing classes & kind words of encouragement.
I was lucky enough to win a spot in the Pitch Wars contest founded by the lovely Brenda Drake. My marvelous Pitch Wars mentors Marty Mayberry and Léonie Kelsall’s suggestions helped shape THE BRASS QUEEN into a fast-paced read.
Hugs to my Pitch Wars friends for their camaraderie in the query trenches – Robin Winzenread, Anne Raven, Syed Masood, LL Montez, and all of the 2017 mentees!
❤️ Special thanks to Natalie Grazian, who helped me to polish THE BRASS QUEEN to her shiny best! ❤️
Thank you to all the editors & beta readers who improved my work no end! This includes the brilliant Aja Pollack & Cassandra Farrin, POV expert Lisa Wilson-Hall, the insightful Heather Cashman & Barbara Rogan, the fabulous Gabi Coatsworth, Steve Newton, Alison McBain, and the Fairfield Scribes.
I’m sending all the love in the world to my RWA friends at the Connecticut Chapter of the Romance Writers of America, my RWA® Golden Heart® Persister sisters, my wonderful Golden Network mentor Priscilla Oliveras, plus Susanna Kearsley for her words of encouragement (and a fabulous afternoon tea!) at the 2018 RWA conference.
Thank you to the many RWA chapters who make an effort to support unpublished writers through their classes and contests. The feedback I received from all my contest judges was invaluable.
Thanks to the talented professionals whose expertise has helped me in so many ways. This includes the artistic dynamo Hafsah Faizel for my gorgeous website design, agent John Cusick for his wisdom, and actor George Ledoux for his stellar voice-over work on my sample audio chapter.
Thank you to Robert Calafell for his legal expertise, and Brian Kesinger for his fun character illustration of THE BRASS QUEEN’s Constance, Trusdale, and Yorkshire terrier, Boudicca!

And finally, hugs to my Connecticut NaNoWriMo buddies, R J Theodore, Roman Godzich, and Dave D’Alessio, plus Westport Library’s Cody Daigle-Orians and Alex Giannini for their hard work running the terrific WestportWrites program.
❤️ Thank you!❤️
Roland R Clarke
November 13, 2019 - 6:56 pm ·Well deserved and brilliant news, Elizabeth. I already follow you on Goodreads but added The Brass Queen from your link.
I’m so glad Pitch Wars helped so much – I considered entering this year but my WIP keeps disintegrating. I’m also interested you mention Lisa Hall-Wilson as her book on Deep POV is THE guide on my desk.
Once again, congratulations – in anticipation.
November 17, 2019 - 9:57 am ·Thank you so much, Roland! I’m so excited to share THE BRASS QUEEN with you. I do recommend Pitch Wars as a great motivator for everyone trying to finish their novel. Even if you don’t get picked, having a deadline by which to complete your manuscript helps to keep you focused on your goal. If you do get picked as a mentee, the feedback you’ll receive is priceless!
Lisa is fantastic at helping writers understand deep POV. I’m sure you’ll get a lot out of her book. Best of luck with your writing! Elizabeth