Life Imitates Art – The Yorkshire Terrier

Boudicca of Haltwhistle Hall, Yorkshire Terrier
Boudicca of Haltwhistle Hall

The Yorkshire Terrier is a Victorian canine breed developed in my home county of Yorkshire. In the mid-nineteenth century, mill workers bred a small, energetic dog to combat the rats that ran rampant in the cotton and wool mills. The Yorkshire Terrier’s long, silky coat and bright, inquisitive character led to the breed becoming popular with English aristocrats as companion pets. This rags to riches story continues today with the Yorkshire Terrier ranking as the 6th most popular breed in the USA in 2013.

Naturally, when it came time to choose a pet for my heroine Constance in The Brass Queen series, only a Yorkie would do. In the first book, we meet a Yorkshire Terrier called Boudicca. The pint-sized canine hero becomes an integral part of the team as they work to combat nefarious forces.

Boudicca became immortalized in our recent character illustration by Brian Kesinger as the petite pooch wearing the mini top-hat.

Life imitates art in that my husband and I recently decided to add a puppy to our family. We drove to Vermont to meet our little girl at an idyllic farm in the mountains. In a litter of boys, one girl choose us to be her new companions. She has quickly taken over our hearts and home with her sweet exuberance for life.

What did we call her? Why, Boudicca of course. Her full AKC name is Boudicca of Haltwhistle Hall.

We call her Boo for short!