Writers of the Future’ is the gold standard of emerging talent into the field of science fiction that has contributed more to the genre than any other source.
Midwest Book Review
I’m delighted to announce that one of my short stories is now a finalist in the Writers Of The Future Contest. This is an incredible honor for any budding science fiction and fantasy author.
So what exactly is this contest, and should you enter your own work?
First, it’s essential to understand WOTF’s unique format.
The contest is free to enter and is only open to writers who have not yet professionally published a novel or short story. Professional publication is deemed to be payment of at least eight cents per word, and at least 5,000 copies, or 5,000 hits. This means that even if you have self-published a few works, you may still be eligible to enter.
There are four entry periods per year, and you can enter a story in each quarter (unless you are a finalist). This means you have four chances per annum to progress to the grand final.
Three winners from each of the four quarters go forward to the final round of judging. There are substantial cash prizes for the winners, with a grand prize of $5,000. That’s an astonishing amount for a newbie author to receive for a story. More importantly, your tale will be published in the WOTF anthology, alongside professional authors. The authors included in past editions are a Who’s Who of science fiction and fantasy luminaries.
The next deadline for the contest is September 30, 2020. If you decide to enter, your story must be stripped of all tags that identify you as the author. This can be tricky to do!
If you’re using MS Word, click on the File menu option and choose Info. In the Inspect Document section, select Check for Issues. In the drop-down menu that opens, select Inspect Document. The Document Inspector window will open. Select the Document Properties and Personal Information checkbox. Select Inspect. Wait while the Document Inspector checks the document. In the Document Properties and Personal Information section, select Remove All to remove the author properties. Save the file, and you are now an anonymous author!
After all that, entering your story into the contest website is child’s play. On the entry page you set up an account, upload your document, and Bob ‘s your uncle!
For me, the most important benefit of entering this contest is the impetus to keep writing short stories. Whether you receive an honorable mention or become a finalist pales beside the fact that you are putting in the work to create new fiction. By doing so, you’re already a winner.
If your story doesn’t place in the contest, you can rework it and submit again. Or, you can submit to one of the professional markets that accept short fiction. Check out https://thegrinder.diabolicalplots.com/ for current opportunities.
Please feel free to comment below if you have any questions. I wish you all the best with your writing. May those brave new worlds you create be truly spectacular!