March 19, 2017

The historical setting for my work in progress, The Brass Queen, is the industrial city of Sheffield, England in 1897. The novel details the adventures of various characters as they prepare for the impending visit of Queen Victoria. Our heroine, Constance, is head of the decorating committee for the royal visit. Her obsession with hanging flower…

February 6, 2015

The Hershey Company recently banned the import of British chocolate into the United States. This draconian move has outraged a large contingency of chocoholics across the globe. The prohibition feels like a personal attack upon those who love their Cadbury’s Flakes and Yorkie bars. The reason for this emotional response is simple – our comfort…

December 14, 2014

During the Victorian age there was a surge of interest in the Celtic queen Boudicca. Boudicca led a British uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in A.D. 60 or 61. Boudicca’s name means “victorious,” or Victoria, and Queen Victoria was keen to associate herself with her heroic namesake. Queen Victoria’s Poet Laureate,…