Recently, THE BRASS QUEEN was chosen as a Mainstream Fiction finalist for the 2018 Golden Heart® (the RWA’s top honor for unpublished novels).
I was invited to attend the RWA National Conference in Denver. Over two thousand writers gathered for five days to attend workshops, make new friends, and network with publishing professionals.
Attending the conference was a fun, exhilarating, and educational experience. Next year’s conference is in New York City, and I’m already looking forward to going!

NYT best-selling author, Susanna Kearsley hosted an afternoon tea for the Golden Heart® Mainstream Fiction finalists. We discussed the thriving market for Women’s Fiction and genre fiction (sci-fi, suspense, etc.) with romantic elements. Oh, and the tiny cakes were divine!
It was wonderful to meet face-to-face with my Pitch Wars 2017 friends. Over the last year, our mentee group has developed into a caring, supportive community. Members commiserate on losses, cheer on one another’s successes, and provide writing advice and critiques. They’re also a blast to hang out with!
It was a delight to meet my Pitch Wars mentor, Marty Mayberry. Together with Léonie Kelsall, Marty helped me to polish THE BRASS QUEEN to her shiny best. She’s a terrific writer and a valued friend.
The Golden Heart® award ceremony was thrilling. I loved seeing the title of my novel flash across not one, but two giant screens. Best of all, I shared the joy of this event with the 2018 finalists, AKA “The Persisters.” I’m honored to be a member of this talented group of women, and I’m looking forward to reading their debut novels one day soon.